The Conversation (Africa)

The Conversation (Africa)

The Conversation – Africa

What is the purpose of The Conversation ?

We believe a well functioning democracy requires an equally well informed citizenry. So our mission is simple : to provide you with a reliable source of high quality, evidence-based information.

Derniers articles 

Men still dominate Uganda’s party politics – women’s participation is mostly cosmetic
Clothed pig carcasses are revealing the secrets of mummification – South African study provides insights for forensic scientists
La mère de la danse africaine a 80 ans : pourquoi la Sénégalaise Germaine Acogny est si influente
What is a secular state ? How South Africa has tried to separate religion and politics
Cartographie du paludisme en Afrique : une étude prédit où les moustiques se reproduiront à l'avenir
Eugen Sandow was the posterboy of physical culture : his 1904 visit to South Africa reinforced racist ideas

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