Biden may forget to turn off porch light but Trump 'will kill your dog' : Ex-Bush (...)

25 juin 2024 | Sarah K. Burris
In the days leading up to the first presidential debate of 2024, pundits and analysts are coming up with the perfect metaphor to describe the two candidates. Former George W. Bush strategist Matthew Dowd summed up the two candidates when speaking Tuesday to MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace. David (...)
 Site référencé:  Raw Story

Raw Story 

'She was born that way' : Trump says at rally Kamala Harris is a 'mentally disabled person'
CNN reveals Harris' 'plans to troll Trump' with plane banner at football game tonight
Watch : Trump speaks in Wisconsin after outdoor rally abandoned
Is this the October Suprise ?
Questions raised over what Mark Robinson's departed aides did with donor money
'There can be nothing worse !' Trump demands Harris impeachment weeks before election