Bloomberg paying private citizens $2500 a month to text and tweet his praises from their (...)

19 février 2020 | David Badash, The New Civil Rights Movement
Billionaire Mike Bloomberg is paying hundreds of private citizens $2500 a month to tell their friends, family members, and co-workers they support his presidential candidacy. In exchange for the money supporters are expected to text and use their personal social media accounts to boost the (...)
 Site référencé:  Raw Story

Raw Story 

'You wouldn't believe !' MTG whines about 'nasty' vendetta now waged against her by GOP
Senate GOP smites MTG : ‘Ridiculous,’ ‘chaos,’ ‘foolish,’ ‘turmoil’
'You laughed out loud !' MSNBC expert cracks up while discussing Stormy Daniels' testimony
Hating hearing people chew food is a real disorder, doctor explains - and it's treatable
Watch : Tourist family in shock as Oklahoma tornado rips roof off their hotel
Trump personally piles pressure on MTG to drop crusade against Mike Johnson : report