'Built on scams' : Trump economic policy linked to prosperity gospel (...)
Salon's Amanda Marcotte on Friday drew a direct line between the economic policies of President Donald Trump and the religious philosophy of the so-called "prosperity gospel" that promises believers material wealth in exchange for donations. In her latest piece, Marcotte found striking (...)
Site référencé: Raw Story
Raw Story
'Proud I did it' : Chuck Schumer touts Dem-breaking vote on GOP bill 'act of courage'
'He's talking about criminalizing it !' Trump's DOJ attack on media stuns CNN's Jake Tapper
Senate Dems get dressed down on CNN for failing 'test' not to 'blink' and 'caving' to MAGA
‘Tough day to be a Democrat’ : Critics pounce on Senate Dems after party-breaking vote
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'Please convict me' : Trump claims he'd rather face jail than Biden humiliation