For the next time some idiot tries to tell you the GOP is 'The Party of (...)

13 juin 2024 | Thom Hartmann
As predictably as the sun rises and sets, every Sunday sees a commentator or politician on one of the Sunday political talk shows say — without being challenged — words to the effect that the Republican Party understands and supports business better than Democrats. Last May, as I recall, it was (...)
 Site référencé:  Raw Story

Raw Story 

'Zombie laws' : Analyst warns GOP aims to revive ancient statutes to enforce Christian rule
Fake electors case dismissed against 6 Nevada Republicans
Trump celebrates as union boss who tried to fight GOP senator gets convention spot
Ex-Fox News host freaks out that 'deep state' that took down Nixon is coming for Trump
UK's richest family get jail terms for exploiting staff at Swiss villa
'Exactly what it is !' OAN host puts name on racist theory shared by Lauren Boebert