Jan. 6 committee member calls on Republicans to denounce Trump's celebration of political (...)

27 mars 2023 | Sarah K. Burris
Donald Trump's latest idea to attack those investigating him is by claiming "prosecutorial misconduct." The reality is that something like that happens when a prosecutor breaks the law, not when they annoy a high-profile politician. "I think, obviously, he appears to be worried that he will be (...)
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Raw Story 

'His colorful personality turned gray' : MSNBC's Mika sees 'subdued' Trump draining away
Trump can't accept MAGA isn't willing to fight for him this time : analyst
'Why so quiet ?' MSNBC's Mika suggests Trump's silence means witness has dirt on him
‘We’re exploding’ : MAGA's mastermind claims 'infinite patience' paying off
They stormed the U.S. Capitol in 2021 - now they want to serve there
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