Judge Cannon has given Jack Smith a 'fresh opening to seek her removal' from Trump (...)

28 mars 2024 | Alex Henderson, AlterNet
Florida-based Aileen Cannon, the Donald Trump-appointed federal judge assigned to special counsel Jack Smith's Mar-a-Lago documents prosecution, has been a frequent source of frustration to Trump's critics — some of whom believe she has done everything possible to delay the case and keep it from (...)
 Site référencé:  Raw Story

Raw Story 

‘Incompetently bad’ : Judge Cannon’s latest move ‘approaching this level of stupid’
RNC wants attendees to bring guns — but tennis balls will be banned : documents
‘Can someone check for a brain ?’ Marjorie Taylor Greene mocked over latest Trump defense
'Prove it !' Trump spokesman targets ex-lawmaker in profane rant over rumored N-word tape
'Bad stuff happens' : Judge Merchan faces hanging threats linked to Trump misinformation
Trump scores legal win over his niece for her role in bombshell NYT tax reports