'MAGA is spreading like a virus' : Mary Trump sends dire warning about her uncle's (...)

4 juillet 2024 | David McAfee
Donald Trump and Joe Biden are the respective nominees for the 2024 presidential race, and Trump's own niece is sticking with Biden after a disastrous first presidential debate. Mary Trump, a critic of the former president and a member of Trump's family, said the Supreme' Court’s immunity ruling (...)
 Site référencé:  Raw Story

Raw Story 

'Never seen language like that' : Trump lawyer bashed for Biden smear in new court filing
MSNBC host admits the media is going overboard on Biden while ignoring Trump
'Week from hell' : Trump shared QAnon, lobbed 'treason' accusations as media dogged Biden
'That changes the game' : Trump insiders raise risks of having to face Kamala Harris
'Don't want Trump to win' : Security expert pinpoints origin of ex-president's victim gripe
GOP Sen. Mike Lee facing furious backlash after spreading 'malicious lies' about Biden